Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meet the Three Ss

May I formally introduce you to Sango, Swahili and Sahara, or as they are also affectionately called, “The Ss”. This motley crew just celebrated their nine month birthday. They are the youngest cubs at the park, but hopefully not for long. Rumor has it that Lulu is knocked-up and expecting to give birth any day now.

It’s amazing how they have changed in just the few weeks that I’ve been walking with them. My first walk with the cubs was mass chaos. They practiced selective listening and where on their own agenda. Actually, it was the day of the run-off election and the lion handlers had off. They were not present for the walk and the cubs took advantage of their absence. It was sort of like how an elementary class behaves when they have a substitute teacher.

I went on a five hour walk with them yesterday and they were so well behaved. They were full of energy and very playful. Just think, one day little Sango will be the King of Beasts.

Hope you enjoy the photos.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Kim again. Thanx for responding to my 'mosquito' question. I will bring lots of repellant and after-bite meds.

I'm so excited that there will be some new cubs upon my arrival (end of August).

I can't tell you how much I look forward to reading your blog and your pictures are amazing!

I'm not planning on bringing my laptop with me. Is there a computer with internet access available for use at AP?

Just curious...I know my friends and family would love to hear from me while I'm out 'in the bush'!!!

Thanx again for sharing your adventure with us!!!